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End-Of-LIfe Planning Frequently Asked Questions.

Are advance directives legally binding in all states?

Most states accept advanced health directives from other states as long as they are legally valid in the original state. Some states limit the extent to which they will honor health care directives from other states if the directives conflict with their own laws.

Are advance directives the same in every state?

Most states have provisions allowing them to accept an advance care directive that was created in another state. Other states only accept advance care directives if the document was created in a state with similar requirements. Some states do not address out-of-state directives at all.

Why is end-of-life planning important?

Planning for the end of your life will make it easier for you and your family. You will be confident that your wishes will be honored, and your family will know that their choices are acting according to your wishes.


What is a DNR?

A DNR or Do Not Resuscitate order is a document that specifies that you do not want to be resuscitated.


What a living will is and how does it work?

A living will is a written, legal document that indicates what medical care you want and don’t want to be used to keep you alive at the end of your life. It also indicates your preferences for other medical decisions, such as pain management or organ donation.


Can Your Doctors Override Your Living Will?

Doctors are ultimately responsible for your health care and treatment. As such, they are not legally required to follow your living will. However, most do. It is best to talk to your medical team to determine if they will respect your wishes.


Can a DNR be overridden by a doctor?

It is legal in certain situations, but it may not be ethical. In the rare instance that it occurs, it is usually done out of fear of harming patients and liability.


Can your family override your DNR (do-not-resuscitate) order?

You have the right to make your own decisions about your health care. If you cannot communicate your healthcare wishes, your healthcare power of attorney or a family member can speak for you. If you request that your physician writes a DNR, your family cannot override it.


What if I change my mind after my doctor writes a DNR order?

You always have the right to change your mind and request CPR. If you do change your mind, you should talk with your doctor right away about revoking your DNR order. You also should tell your family and caregivers about your decision, mark “canceled” on the actual DNR order, and destroy any DNR wallet cards or other identification items you may have. If you have a DNR order but change your mind about the level of care you would want regarding CPR and medical interventions that may prolong life, you will need a new order.


Can a durable power of attorney make medical decisions?

A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care is a legal document providing instructions about the kinds of medical treatment you want and allowing you to name someone your “agent.” This agent can make decisions about your health care if you cannot make those decisions yourself.


How can you make a living will online?

Our intuitive Healthcare Directive Action Plan is easy to understand. We provide an easy online advanced care template to help you with every step.


What is the difference between a living will and a will?

A will takes effect upon death and provides instructions on handling your affairs after you’ve passed. A living will provides instructions to your family and doctors regarding should you become incapacitated. It lets other parties know what medical treatment you do and don’t wish to have when you can’t speak for yourself.


What is the difference between a living will and an advance directive?

Advance directives are instructions regarding medical care should you become unable to make decisions for yourself due to injury or illness. A living will is an advanced directive that takes effect in the event of a terminal illness.


What is the difference between a living will and DNR?

A living will is a legal document that indicates if a person wants life support continued if they are incapacitated and in a terminal condition. A DNR prevents extraordinary life-saving measures to bring back a “dead” patient.


What is the difference between a living will and durable power of attorney?

A living will is a document prepared in advance that presents decisions you’ve made about end-of-life care. A durable power of attorney names the healthcare agent who can make financial or healthcare decisions for you.


Is a living will legally binding?

Your living will is a legal document. This document informs your doctors and family what you want when you’re no longer able to make your own decisions. It is important to note that your wishes must be legally outlined and compliant with the law.


Are advance directives required?

Neither State nor Federal law requires individuals to complete any form of an advance directive. Federal law goes so far as to expressly forbid requiring an advance directive as a prerequisite for treatment.


Where can advance directives be recorded?

A copy of your advance directives should be stored in a safe place easily accessible to your family or medical proxy. If you have a written document, you should keep a copy of it in your files and medical records. You can also ask to have a copy of your advance directives put in your hospital chart. If you have an online living will, be sure to send a copy of it or a link to your Advance directive to anyone who may need to interact with a medical provider.


Do advance directives expire?

No. There are no expiration dates for Advance healthcare directives. However, if you make an update and create a new living will you will invalidate your previous advance healthcare directive. This is one of the reasons using an app to create an online living will simplify document storage. Any time you make a change, anyone can get an updated version of your advance directive by simply logging into the app.