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Advance Directives and How They Work.

Posted on: July 22nd, 2021 by Chad Hill

An advance directive is a document that lets others know your preferences for health care should you ever be unable to make those decisions yourself. In the advance directive you can appoint someone you trust to make the decisions for you, too. That person is your health care agent.

Advance Directives Simplified

End-of-life preparation can be confusing and difficult to discuss with your loved ones. Here are some basics on how advance directives work.

Experience Peace of Mind with Our Advance Directive Help

Creating an advance directive allows you to remain in control of your health care. It relieves your loved ones from making difficult decisions at the end of your life, and it reduces the chances of disagreements and confusion among your loved ones.


Start planning for the end of your life right now. My Living Wishes makes it easier for you.