A living will is part of an advance directive and is completely different from a last will and testament. A Will is a document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your estate after you’ve passed. A living will is a legal document that informs doctors, family, and friends how you feel about medical interventions for end-of-life medical care. A living will is the best way to ensure your end-of-life wishes are met and protects your loved ones, physicians, and other caregivers from having to make these difficult decisions for you.
If you have someone in your life that you trust to make these decisions on your behalf, or if you are not completely clear about the decisions you want, you can designate a health care agent. Using a Medical Durable Power of Attorney, this healthcare proxy will help make those decisions on your behalf if you are unable to make them yourself.
In addition to designating medical treatments, you can also choose who you want notified about your condition. Its a recommended that you provide a copy of this document to immediate family and any relevant health care professionals, but you may want others to be informed as well
You have complete control over your living will. At no point will need to get approval from anyone regarding your wishes. Your living will can be changed at any time as long as you are able to make the changes. You can even allow your health care agent the power to override the decisions you made when you created if you like.
There are some requirements involved in creating a living will in Colorado
Colorado does not require a Living Will. If you are admitted to any healthcare facility in Colorado without a living will in place, federal law requires that you be informed about advance directive options. However, if you are physically and mentally impaired and unable to make these decisions for yourself, this information won’t be helpful.
The My Living Wishes app allows you to plan for end-of-life events in advance. It can provide you, and your loved ones peace of mind in an emergency and makes sure your voice is heard when you can’t speak for yourself. YOu can create a living will online using the My Living Wishes App to make a trying time easier for you and your loved ones.